November 4, 2012

A rough, tough & exhausted October...... but the tough gets going...!!!

October had been a very tiring month for us all. Kitty though had made good progress in her mobility via acupuncture; one of her breast lump had grown faster as well. She had lost 0.2 kg to 2.8kg, which was a worry to the vet. So we decided to do the following:

-   On 19/10 she was admitted for blood test. Result showed that her kidney condition was stable – she suffered from kidney degeneration due to ageing, but the condition was acceptable for operation. She was put on drips for one day.

-   On 20/10, her chest X-ray showed that it was clear, which meant the cancer had not spread to the lungs. So she could have the 2 breast lumps removed. The ultrasound in the abdomen found nothing, which meant there was no suspected mass.

-   Overall, though we were heartbroken that she had her second operation this year (last one in 1/12), that Saturday seemed a long and scary day, as the wait was painful, worrying and panicky, but we were truly relieved when told of the above results. It was actually the best scenario for us!

-   We agreed not to send the tissues for lab test, as both the vet and us were pretty certain in our mind that it would be cancerous.

-   This time, it took Kitty a bit longer to recover, but she did it.

- What more could we ask for! Since we have been given more time together, we will surely treasure each moment, living life together, hopefully in a peaceful, relaxing and painless way!

Ooops.... Plse don't forget about our other child Goldie -- such an adorable kid!!