March 5, 2022

Very challenging period

Rapid explosion of Omnicron in Hong Kong is creating a lot of adverse pressure in everyone's daily life. Apart from irrational behavior from the general public such as hoarding of food, medicine and daily essentials, the supply shortage also drove prices sky high. Apart from staying vigilant, we can only pray that herd immunity would soon arise.

At home, Felix's liver condition suddenly relapsed. This time Dr Tint kept a very close eye on him and luckily, he responded well to treatment. He just revisited Dr. Tint today, and his liver reading is nearly back to normal @133 (upper normal is 130). Just pray that I could resolve his choice of cat litter and his life could soon return to normal. 

Betty remains in good condition. She prefers clay litter, but unfortunately those available in the market are in very fine clumps, and sticks to her fur when she splashes the litter around. I'm now slowly trying to help her adjust to the smell of Tofu cat litter. I'm planning to give it a month's time to do this. So far she is slowly adapting. Thank you dear, Betty