October 6, 2021

Time to be thankful


Photo taken from website of All Saint Catherdal

After a 2 year wait, on 3rd October, we attended church service to celebrate Saint Francis Xavier's Day. Though less pet/parent attended than before, the atmosphere was still an enjoyable and joyous one. 

Before going to church, the children paid a visit to elder brother's apartment for the first time. Goldie was the brightest one -- she came out of the carrier bag once the bag was unzipped. She strolled around the unit and found places for short nap as well.

Betty and Felix took a while to warm up, and was finally being dished out. Luckily, they also made their rounds at ease fairly soon. 

Last but not least, Kitty the Angel turn 8 today. Time flies, but precious memories remain. I trust you are well and might have met both grannies by now. Thank you Kitty dear, for continuing to guard and protect us from above. Love you forever!