December 29, 2013

Our Tribute to Kitty

As 2013 is about to come to a close, I could think of no better way than to dedicate the final posting of the year to Kitty.

You are welcome to leave your message in this blog, as we would like it to be part of our permanent memories.


Wishing all our bloggers a Wondrous + Successful 2014 !!

P.S. We would like to thank Phoebe, Joanne and her friend for their contributions in the preparation of this video.

November 2, 2013

The Unforgettable September & October

What happened?

On 10th Sept, we took Kitty to see the vet because the ulcer ointment which we use was unable to contain the ulceration in her mouth. She was active and able to eat on her own, though she turned fussy. The blood test result showed that her kidney condition was stable, so vet concluded that the ulceration was caused by infection. Gave her a Convenia injection (antibiotics which could last for 12 days) and pain-killers.

l          However, the mouth condition worsened, as the ulcers burst into the full blown condition, affecting the tongue and surrounding areas as well. Saliva dripped out wetting the fur in her chest and front paws. She did not show any interest in food or water, and moved around less. So we started to feed her by syringe.

l          After consulting others, we believe we need to strengthen her immune system and heal the inflammation. Apart from giving her the Renal medication, on 14th Sept, we started to give her lysine (500ml) per day, a drop of Propolis (diluted in 1.5 tablespoon of water), Aloe Vera (max. 1 ml per day, preferably applying it onto the ulcer areas).

l          Her daily feeding timetable is as follows:

-      6.30am – breakfast

-       10.30am – water

-       Noon - 1.30pm - lunch

-       Teatime – water + honey

-       Dinner – 6.30pm

-       Midnight snack – 10.30pm

l          On 20th Sept, when we revisited the Vet, the amount of saliva that came out had lessened. We were given 2 weeks of painkillers and with no objection to our continue giving her the above mentioned supplements.

l          For the following 2 weeks, her ulcer condition did improved. The white area shrunk in size, the color of the red area also paled with some returning to normal. Only in some occasions were saliva found in the lips. Though tired, she walked around the house a bit more and sometimes even waited in her dining/kitchen area, as if waiting for food.

l          When we took her favorite food to her, she smelled it, and sometimes even sat up, but did not open her mouth to eat. During the feeding time, after she swallowed the food, we would make some “um um” sound with our mouth to encourage her to swallow. Just like a baby, very often she followed us, making us very happy and hopeful. Overall, we found her to be more tired than a fortnight ago.

l          The vet said the progress was within his expectations when we revisited on 8th Oct, though we were a bit worried with the weight loss. Since this sickness, she had lost a total of 0.5kg, leaving her with only 2.2kg. We were advised to give her 1.25 pack of wet renal food daily as we might have under-fed her.

l          We continue feeding the supplement, but in reduced amount since the ulcer is healing, and avoid over-burdening the kidney. However, we started to observe that at times, she used her hand to wipe her face/mouth, as if something is sticking onto her teeth. This frequency increased. If use a dry tissue to wipe her mouth and chin area gently, it seemed to help, strange? Also, some doubt crept into my mind—if the mouth ulcers are healing, she should be able to start eating on her own, at least a bite or two, right? (At hindsight, it might be the tumor getting big and causing pain and discomfort in her mouth for which she tried to relief with her paws.)

l          On 6th Oct, we fed her honey water at tea time, and after the first feed, found blood coming out from her mouth. Initially we thought she might have bit her tongue or cheek, but to be safe, we took her to visit the vet immediately. The vet suggested to “gas” her down for a thorough examination of the mouth condition and see what caused the bleeding. The bad news came, a tumor was found underneath her tongue, and it had grown fast making insertion of the breathing tube impossible.


Be prepared. As parents, your feelings would know guide you when the time comes – that’s the advice I received from parents with similar experiences.

l          Vet advised that the tumor condition would not improve and that ultimately, she would not be able to swallow. If we want to keep her around, a feeding tube would have to be inserted. Her life expectancy was shortened to at most a few months.

l          The key words that came to mind were – “not be able to eat on her own again” and “at most a few more months to live”. What quality of life would she have?? A living robot?? Seeing her lying in the operating table in such peaceful manner (under influence of the “gas”), a sudden thought of letting her go came to mind.

l          Lately, I had in my daily prayers, asked the Lord to heal her and let His will be done. I had also wished that when the time comes, Kitty could go in her sleep -- in a calm and peaceful manner. Also, I had wished that if Kitty had to be euthanized, that it be performed by her vet and with her favorite veterinary assistant around. By the grace of God, all these seemed to have been fulfilled at that very moment. With the consent of family members, though very unwilling, we decided to let her go. So, being surrounded by the presence and love from grandpa, mummy and Auntie Z, Kitty left us at around 5.30pm on Sunday 6th October, 2013. Ending her 18years and 9 months of mission on earth in flying colors.

Other thoughts at that moment

l          In the past Kitty had been “gas” down for taking blood samples when she chose not to co-operate and it usually took her a day or two to return to normal. Now in such weak health condition, the “normalization” process would likely be a lot longer, which means more discomfort to her.

l          The wound in her tumor needs time to heal, which means feeding by syringe could cause additional pain to her.

l          I asked myself, do I want a living robot? I think it’s unbearable to see her end up like that. It would really be a torture to her by keeping her alive at that stage. The quality of life for which we give utmost importance to is not there; needless to say it’s selfish and inhumane.

l          How would she feel with the feeding tube – apart from discomfort, likely helpless and lost all her self esteem; probably lying in a quiet corner with her head down for most of the time.

After thoughts

l          Readers are advised to consult your Vet before giving your children those supplements, as though they could help raise her immune system and cure mouth ulcers, they should not be taken for long due to some side effects on protein absorption and potassium level. Besides some cats could be allergic to honey.

l          We wrote this posting, not to justify what we have done, or to let others know how great we were. The aim is to share our experiences in a detailed manner to interested parties, hoping that if the inevitable comes, they could handle it better than us.

l          Did we regret not taking her to see the Chinese doctor? Sought of! We think the likely outcome could be lengthening her lifespan for a while. But would the quality improve significantly? Doubtful. Its because the lump near her tail and arthritis is affecting her movements, making them fairly rigid and painful.

l          Would I let her go earlier - say at the time when the mouth ulcers were at full blown stage? Some say they would, for shown in the video, I’m sure you would agree with me that those were very rough moments and that Kitty is suffering. It really requires strong will to survive, love and dedication from all sides to make it part of your daily life. For me, I think I would still give her the chance as unlike a lot of patients, her kidney condition is “acceptable” and that mouth ulcers could improve with her immune system. But I must admit, the decision might be different, if we found the mouth tumor in day 1.

l          Would I take her home first and give ourselves more time to think about euthanasia? Likely not. Apart from the painful normalization process, the only advantage is that we might be able to seek her opinion as to whether she is prepared to go. Deciding on the date to do it might not be too difficult, but waiting for the time to come, could be horrendous to the entire family – both human and pets. So better let it be a quick decision, provided it’s done with thorough analysis, love and to Kitty’s benefit.

l          Acupuncture is useful in enhancing mobility for Kitty and help alleviate the pain. It would only be used as a supplement for her case and not a cure.

l          Feliway is useful in alleviating stress for Kitty. The unfortunate thing is that I thought of using it too late (started in the evening of 5th Oct). I should have thought of it when the mouth ulcer problem starts to get worse in early September, so that Kitty could be more relaxed and hopefully in less pain.

l          The idea of setting up a fund for the children’s rainy days expense should be taken seriously. Only when we don’t have to worry about the financial issues, would we be able to give our children the best medical care warranted. 


Kitty, my dear, I hope you understand and agree with what we have done. So please do look forward and go in peace and joy. Only memories will remain forever, firmly enshrined in the special place on our hearts.


P.S. Kitty was cremated on 10th October 2013 at 2pm. It did provide some relief to us in seeing Kitty lying peacefully in her usual sleeping posture, her soft fluffy tail and above all, her white bones (which suggest that she is healthy, despite her age). By dispersing her ashes, Kitty has returned to Mother Nature and fulfilled her life motto “To lend a hand” to help the plants grow healthily!


It had been a close to month since Kitty had left us, but home is never the same again. Though we seldom talked about Kitty openly nowadays, we could sense the pain of her absence amongst us. To me, Sunday after around 4-6pm still remained the most disturbing moment, with watery eyes at times. Overall, I constantly remind myself that the arms of the clock could not be turned back. Whatever had happened, had happened. So hopefully, time will slowly heal the wound. 


We are grateful to have Goldie around. She has made great effort to accompany and divert our attention at times. Her presence is effective in relieving our pain, though we believe she too is still undergoing the transition. Goldie, we treasure your presence and care. Thank you, my dear.



October 10, 2013

Letter to Our Beloved Kitty

Dearest Kitty,

How are you? Do you feel better now? Have you started to adjust to the new way of life? No more pain in your mouth and throat? Hope your hind legs have also regained strength to enable you to run around the green pasture and make new friends.
Kitty, I would love to use this opportunity to thank you for the over 18 years of time with the Txxx family. Knowing you since you have decided to join us by entering into the carrier of R and J as their wedding present, seeing you grow up with SS and HH and finally coming to our side to join us when we wanted a cat.
During our past 13 years together, your love and bonding towards the family have grown and flourished. You not only is a smart loving girl, you also is a very considerate helper, a nurse as well. The way you care about grandma during her stroke, is still flashing in my memory. You also is a role model to younger sister Goldie, who loves and respects you.
Between you and me, our bonding could not be much closer. You are my warm water bottle during those cold winter nights. You are my alarm at times. But above all, you are part of me.
During your struggles with those breast tumor operations, kidney degeneration, deteriorating hind legs and the late mouth ulcers, you demonstrated to us your strong will to survive and the faith you have in us and the vets. Though those days are painful, but it has united the family to new heights. Through consulting others, we have gained a lot of knowledge for which we shall share out to help others.
Kitty, my dear, please forgive me for making the decision to let you go today. I made that decision because a tumor was found underneath your tongue and it had grown fast, leaving you with limited life expectancy of at most a few months, and that you will no longer be able to eat on your own and enjoy food. Frankly speaking, since your quality of life would likely worsen rapidly rather than improve in the remaining time, I do not want you to suffer further. We all in the family recognized that you had done a brilliant job on earth, and that your mission had been completed with flying colors, so though unwilling, we are prepared to let you rest peacefully. You left us at around 5.30pm on Sunday, 6th October, 2013 at the age of 18 years and 9 months.
We will surely remember you in our hearts and mind. Your physical absence did make our hearts tank and ache, but we believe that with the help of the Lord and all the dear friends, we will be able to stand up and continue life anew. We believe this is what you want us to do as well.
Once again, I thank you for being my child, you have bought and taught me a lot. You will remain the special child in the special place in our hearts. So good-bye, my dear daughter. Do not be afraid. Do not worry about us. Go forward in peace and joy. The Lord will continue to guide, guard and protect both you and us, as He had done in the past.
P.S. Goldie had been looking for you after dinner. She sure had sensed your absence. I would like to thank you for your generosity in accepting her into the family and living in harmony with her despite the close to 10 years of age gap between both of you. Please continue to guide, guard and protect her as you always did.
I remain, your loving mother

6th October 2013, 11.25pm

Thanks Fion for preparing this special photo of Kitty for us.

Please feel free to add your message/comment in this blog, rather than in Facebook as we would like to keep them for our permanent record.

September 21, 2013

Finally finished all the transfers..... ready to start???

Alas! After a couple of weekends of dedicated work, I have finally transferred all our former postings in Yahoo Blog onto the "new home". It took me a lot longer than expected, because I had deleted my account in Youtube. So had to identify and reload each video again from the database in my computer .... It sure was tiring, but also gave me a good review of the past.

Unfortunately, I am unable to copy guests' comments onto the new postings, but reading them again during this exercise did bring back a lot of warm memories. For this, I must thank all blogger friends for your contribution in making part of our history.

Overall, the deepest impression from this exercise is telling me how time flies -- it had bought back a lot of good memories, of the happy moments together, Kitty's and Goldie's mischievous acts, as well as their talents and tolerances (with my fooling around !!).

The saddest part of this exercise to accept the fact that we cannot rewind the clock. What had happened could only be part of history. My heart tanked in seeing how Kitty, because of her age, had lost part of her mobility. She will never be able to perform her tricks in full again although I'm sure, in her mind, she knows how it works.
So please treasure the time with all you care and love. Capture the moments in videos if you can, for they do speak alot more effectively than words or pictures.
As shown in the title, I'm not sure when I will resume regular monthly postings of the blog. Its because Kitty is presently suffering from a bad ulcer infection in her mouth - her cheek, gum and tongue are all being affected. Presently, we are feeding her with the syringe, as she could not eat on her own. The pain is affecting her appetite and salivia is dripping from her mouth. It sure is very painful.
Fortunately, we have very caring and loving helpers at home. Auntie Z is very proficient in feeding Kitty, giving her the red bean massage and other daily care. Auntie R is making very good progress in taking care of Kitty. Hence they do provide me with some comfort that Kitty is in good hands while I'm busy at work. We hope that with the grace of God, all the family love and care, Kitty's determination, care of the vet, and valubale advise from my friends Rita and Mina,  Kitty could recover steadily.
LHS - Tai Tai; Middle - Kitty; RHS - Goldie
Their first photo and recent photo
For bloggers who would like to stay in touch with us, please feel free to register in the Follower section, or leave me with your latest blog address for my regular visits. Thank you!

September 1, 2013

Is the end, but yet another beginning !!

Time flies, I have been writing the blog since early 2010 and am very honored to have made a lot of friends who shared in both our good times and bad...

This blog all started after Kitty was diagnosed to suffer from kidney degeneration in late 2009. giving me the urge to document the children's life and those precious moments together.... During the initial stage, this blog didn't have a name, as I wasn't sure whether I would continue posting after Kitty is gone...

After some serious thoughts, I decided that life has to go on regardless of what... so I named it Children of the World... as they are children from God, coming to this world to complete a special mission. Its fate that we are being bought together, and it would be fate that we will be separated at some point  as well....

So despite Yahoo Blog would soon come to a close, we would continue our postings somewhere. I need more time to find the site best suited for our blog which is largely for video positings and my preference to write in English (as its easier and faster for me). Suggestions and comments are welcomed. In the meantime, I will stop new postings till we settle in the new "home" unless something urgent happens.

So thank you all once again. Take care. God Bless and do stay in touch.

Best Regards 

Our new blog address is

July 21, 2013

Goldie's 9 year old birthday & more


A) On 4th July Goldie went to collect her prize (ranked second) from the Golden Eagle competition.

On 6th July, mummy on behalf of Kitty and Goldie delivered all the prizes to volunteers who take care of stray cats in the Tai Po area.
1.    Kuromi Tungtung  7th July 2013

今日好開心,貓咪們收到禮物,媽媽又送左個親手做的leather cardholderMandy ee. 希望你鐘意,大開心! :

好多謝Mandy ee山長水遠入來探班貓街坊同我地,又帶左好多ee兩貓Kitty and Goldie獲獎的禮物比一眾貓地,多謝晒ee! 有一袋係比Bebe Lee的。我再約你比你啦!thx again — with Bebe Lee and Kit Go Mt.

B) For friends who have not yet LIKE us in the You See Pet Competition, please LIKE us NOW. We need your support to help feed more hungry mouths out there

1)Click the following link and LIKE Goldie’s photo

2)Click the following link and LIKE Kitty's photo
3) Plse ask your friends, colleagues and family to LIKE us too.

Thank You !!


July 3, 2013

Goldie's Birthday wish

Would you like to join us in making her wish come true?


As a reminder;
1)   Like the page of YOU SEE PET, by going to this link
2) LIKE Goldie’s photo
3)   Remember to do the same for Kitty
4) Plse ask your friends, colleagues and family to LIKE us too.

Thanks a million! Best Regards

P.S. Only LIKE us in the You See Pet site, or else it wont count!!!! 

May 25, 2013

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise - updated

點票程序己經完, 結果公佈如下:
亞軍: 寵物姓名: Goldie, 寵物年齡: 8嵗

Dear Aunties and Uncles,
We sincerely thank u all for your LIKES. Our jobs have been accomplished. We will be able to help the less fortunate friends again. Mummy will pick up the presents and will donate it to mummy of Kuromi Tungtung so that she can continue with her daily mission in taking care of the furry friends in Tai Tai Po.

Like us, we hope that u too find this exercise very meaningful and will continue to support us in our future missions.

Thank you and Best Regards
Kitty, Goldie, mt

The children are out working again. For them to be able to chase the dogs, your vote on or before 30th May 2013 is a MUST

Plse VOTE for Kitty and Goldie so that they can help the needy. If they are lucky enough to win any prize, it would all be donated to the less fortunate children out there.

Steps are as follows:

1) click the following link

a) for PC

b) for mobile

2) after entering that page, LIKE the page first

3)at the end of the page, choose I want to vote (i.e. right hand box)

4) Look for Kitty's and Goldie's photos - both in orange frame

5) Vote for each of them on or before 30th May 2013.

6) Plse invite your friends, colleagues and family to do the same. We really need your support to realise their dreams.

Thanks a million !!

A lot of cats seem to like Neko Mato, the 神奇貓墊, let the children tell you their thoughts ......

Kitty, Goldie:
Hello Aunties and Uncles,
Have you every thought of seeing the following in our blog? Hahaha... Enjoy + Good Day !!

May 4, 2013

Massage and Acupuncture

We give Kitty daily red bean massage with the hope to improve on her blood circulation and hence mobility. We found that her appetite has also improved


March 29, 2013

Thank you all for your good deed........

Our goal to help the less fortuate children would not be possible, if you did not made the effort to support us. So we owe a BIG THANK YOU to you all. In particular, we would like to thank R Dioso, J Lai, R Lau, Z Relacion, R Yung for their extra effort in registering and donating their presents as well......   We trust the donations are in good hands!/photo.php?fbid=4628122016245&set=a.4422809803568.2151273.1088659720&type=3&theater

Alas, mummy was really very very absent minded, she forgot to claim her own present.... Sorry friends... next time we'll keep an eye on mummy and make sure she won't forget.... However, she tried to make up by doing the following......


February 23, 2013

The Tuxedo Collection

Since 2013, its our New Year resolution to make each day a memorable and thankful one.
Kitty really works hard to "Gulu Gulu", eats and hands in her homework (we-we and poo-poo) well.
 We are truly joyous and grateful !! 

January 26, 2013

We're fortunate this year, hope we can do this again.....

Last year when we celebrated Kitty’s 17th Birthday, we were afraid that it could be the last one. Thank God, we made it through 2012. It sure was a rough and tough year. Kitty’s kidney condition was largely stable, as she is a good girl, and accepts renal food. However, her health condition had weakened, partly due to ageing. She is often being confronted with mouth ulcers, ruining her appetite and those “breast lumps” are recurring at a faster pace because of her weak defense system.

This year, we took the chance and continue to celebrate her birthday with KFC, her favorite food, but as you could see, it’s Goldie who seems to be enjoying it more. Unfortunately after the recent operation in last October, we found another breast lump. Lately, the vet’s advice had totally changed. He is against surgery, on the consideration of Kitty’s age and the high risk of recurrence. Unfortunately, we have that thought too, though I would still keep an open mind on the issue. My heartaches and …. What a useless me!!

The clock is ticking against us. In the meantime, we would concentrate on keeping her kidney condition stable and take her for regular acupuncture for which she enjoys. We would try our best to lead a normal life with the hope that Kitty could continue to enjoy her time with us in a peaceful, warm, loving, happy and relaxed way…… Take care my girl, please do not give up, but if you are really tired, do let us know. We sure would treasure the moments together, and give it our very best effort to make it a painless and memorable one…. May the Lord guide us, guard us and lead us through the time ahead…