February 24, 2012

A Whole New World - from the cats' perspectives

Mummy’s after-thought:

We are truly grateful to the Lord, to all our friends/supporters, the contest selection committee of Kakato to have chosen our children as Champion in their respective categories.

Since both children are required to participate in the award presentation ceremony, we informed them of their big day well in advance, with the hope to at least prepared them psychologically. I think this did work, as both children were pretty co-operative when we prepared them for their “adventure”.

Kitty though might not enjoy the occasion, by her nature compiled with the proceedings pretty well. When left on the stage to take her own photos, she even moved forward a bit to look at the gifts. However, after the event, she seemed to have bad dreams – for the first 2 weeks after the event, she sometimes meowed loudly during her sleep at night.

Goldie, being the timid lady who doesn’t like to be cuddled had a tough time during the presentation and group photo taking sessions. However, for her solo photo taking session, she was pretty co-operative. As always, she was being called "Garfield" by some.

Thank you children, for being yourself. Hope that both of you had fun, as it was a very valuable experience to all. Both of you finally saw A WHOLE NEW WORLD, which is very different from what you see each day from the balcony at home….. hahaha!!   





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