March 6, 2016

Just for a change

In late January, Betty entered a competition with the aim to win 2 entrance tickets to the 2016 Pet Accessories Show in the Hong Kong Convention Exhibition Centre. We discovered about this opportunity close to the deadline, and surprisingly, we didn't do too bad either.

We were lucky enough to be able to choose our own prize during the Pet Accessories Show.

Contrary to our past practices, we decided to let the children keep the balls for their leisure.

We also made good use of the opportunity to fill our bags with goodies for the less fortunate children as well.

As an aside, Betty is pretty proficient in taking off her clothes, can she do so with her hat?


  1. 佢哋真係好叻叻豬,成日得奬

  2. 嘩,咁多零食,兩隻豬仔發達啦!

    1. Goldie, Betty: BillBill EE, they are not for us ga... Its for our furry friends on the street.... Hope they like it...
