October 12, 2019

A disappointment

Due to social unrest, All Saints Church had cancelled their annual Saint Francis Xavier Service this year.....

Because we were not aware of the cancellation, we went to the church as usual and took some photos before heading home.....

Lucky that we went back home shortly, for demonstrators passed our place.... and look at nosy Betty

Recently, I have known of 2 cat parents who passed away... very sad indeed.... but luckily their family members have honored to continue to take care of the remaining cats.

My beloved Kitty had left us for 5 years already. Time flies. With the help of Goldie, Betty and Felix, my wound is healing well. But there are still moments, that warm past memories will resurface into life.

Kitty dear, please don't worry about us. Enjoy your time with grandpa and keep him company for he likes you a lot. If you want to, you know you are always welcome to visit us, for which I think you still do. Just continue with your new life in happiness, good health and peacefulness.

Love you forever dear!


  1. no one is happy in HK since JUNE

    1. Yes... just try to keep our job, keep the family running and hopefully everyone healthy both physically and psychologically....

      Take care. God bless... Hope we can see gradual improvement over time.

  2. How's felix? Better thank before, right?
    Wishing all your family members good luck and good health forever ^-^

    1. Thanks Cecilia for your love and well wishes. Same to your family too.

      Luckily Felix is responding well to treatment - Western and Chinese. Is able to stay away from hospitalization for 2.5 months already. Hurray!

      The next step is when will vet stop his western medication and rely solely on CTM. Just looking forward to that day.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Ruby for your love for Kitty and all the other kids.

      Like every other child, Kitty is special in her own way and has a special place in our heart.

      Really grateful to Kitty for being an excellent role model to Goldie, who passes this legacy to Betty, thereby helps ensure naughty Felix remains well behaved.

      We must admit, we are lucky to have them, and hope they feel the same too.... haha
