February 22, 2020

Times under COVID-19

Unfortunately, February 2020 is another memorable month.... Normal daily life is being severely challenged by Coronavirus. Apart from having to wear face mask when going out, wash one's hands, face, spectacles, clothing and from head to toe upon return, no social life for the time being.
The kids at home might not sense the difference, except why mummy is not going to work daily? Has she won the Mark 6 jackpot? She's been fired? Home office? Anyway, from their behavior, they don't seem to be worried about anything.... Life as normal.... Lucky kids!

Since Felix started taking Chinese medicine in 2019, we start to comb their back daily. Luckily over time, they are getting used to it. Hope this can help improve their health and appearance!


  1. Clever Felix knows how to get the snack out~~
    I just find Betty's tail had a white spot at the end, lovely.
    Goldie likes a ball ^-^
    Wishing them good health forever.

    1. Yes, Felix learns fast. Betty has a light bulb at the tip of her tail.. haha

  2. 三個都乖乖梳毛,梳完仲有零食,爽

    1. Its after months of practices that we finally managed to achieve this result.... haha
