July 17, 2020

Felix back to hospital again....

Having stayed out of the hospital for 9 months, a food induced Hepatology bought him back to the hospital for 5 days in late June. Its really my fault. During this honeymoon period, when his liver and bile duct was functioning normally, I really had forgotten that this child should not eat dairy and fatty food. So we are now back to square one of the Chinese-Western medical treatment plan..... Really exhausted -- mentally, physically and financially... but Felix, I can promise you, I will not give up as long as you do not give up.

On the day of discharge, when we stepped out of the vet's consultation room, I was surprised to see a number of medical staff standing on both sides of the corridor to see him off. Seems like he really is one of the well behaved and well liked patient there, but I prefer to keep you at home at all times instead..... haha



  1. 真係好慘慘豬,妳見佢要留醫咁多日,一定更心痛,以後真係要好好留意佢既飲食

    1. Yes. This time is exceptionally painful, as its largely my fault. Seeing him improving with over 1 year of Chinese and western medical treatment, I really had fall into the comfort zone.

      Really must stay vigilant at all times.

      Just lucky vet didn't pushed for second surgery after she knew it might be food induced. Just hope resumption of the Chinese & Western treatment would still work.

  2. Replies
    1. I must admit luckily it happened at end of June. If it happened now, we wont be able to visit him twice daily and feed him. He doesn't eat much by himself or by their feeding.
