August 15, 2021


No particular theme this month, I just plan to update our record on some recent development....

1) We shall return mother's ashes back to nature tomorrow (16th August 2021), putting the graduation ceremony to a close. Though I have finished cleaning up and donated the clothing and related accessories, there are still quite a bit that remains to be done. The probate hearing won't happen till mid-November 2021, so hopefully matters related to her estate would be confirmed and distributed to relevant parties by the end of this year. 

So far I have heard mother calling my name once - at 4am on the day prior to her funeral. I jumped up when being called and saw a vague image - an inverted white triangle on the top with a black circle in the lower middle and at the bottom is another white triangle -- my immediate interpretation is mother in her nursing sister uniform and usually when she calls my name, her voice is firm.... 

My helpers seemed to sense mother's presence more often -- either its the smell of Pak Fa Oil or snoring sound.... haha.... We miss you mummy! You and daddy are welcome back at any time. I hope both of you could find comfort and pride in seeing us continuing life anew!

2) Because Goldie's right nostril was found to be blocked in mid-July, the Oncologist suggested that we widen the nostril. Fortunately, our family vet Dr Tint, took onto this challenge and did a brilliant job. He first did a CT scan to get an idea on the size and location, used mainly nasal flushing to remove as much tissue as he could, assisted by some probing towards the end. He was happy with the result, as he estimated over half of the tissues have been removed.

Goldie recovered well, willing to start eating at the night of operation and back to normal the next day!

Goldie now starts her Metronomic chemo - taking Cuclophosphamide daily with hope to slowdown growth of blood vessels in the tumor, as chemo doesn't work for her.

Her right nostril is blocked, so instead of seeing black color, you see the pink tissue.

Tissues being removed. The big ones came from flushing, the smaller ones loosened when probed

Post operation - both nostrils are functioning normally.

We are truly grateful to Dr Irene, Dr Jacky and Dr Tint for the endless patience, guidance and advise/actions. 

3) After 2 weeks of unstable health - suspect to be vomiting/gastroenteritis caused by change in cat litter, Felix return to normal after receiving some Tint Tint magic! No more vomiting and the blood test was perfectly normal. Hurray!!

As an aside, just a few video ..... enjoy!


  1. 親人回家是很常有的事


    1. I like your way of looking at things.... so practical.... thanks..... haha

  2. 原來妳家Goldie同我家天師仔一樣,鼻腔有癌症,我就無幫佢做任何醫學治療,因為診療費實在太貴,依家我只用靈芝粉做治療,佢依家情況都算隐定

    1. Sorry to hear that. Did u do any biopsy to find out what type of cancer? Goldie got carcinoma, which can only be cured be radiotheraphy but HK doesnt have this.

      Anyway, with your love, I'm sure your baby will have quality life till the end. Though at the back of our mind, we have to be prepared for the worst - likely its to let go at the right time. In the meantime, just enjoy each other's company daily and no regret.

      God bless you all


    1. Thanks for the link. I will follow your blog.

      Its sad, but let's try to be positive. Your love will give him the drive to live a quality life. Dont worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will take care of itself. Just try to take each day as a gift and no regret.

      God bless you all.
