December 28, 2021

2021 - its bad and good

Well, I would have thought 2020 with the lockdown and the drastic changes in lifestyle would be bad enough. But for our family, 2021 was even worse. We have lost 2 very important persons, the family membership living under the same roof (including helpers) was downsized from 5 in the beginning of the year to only 2 now, while the cat population shrunk from 3 to 2. It would take time for us (myself and a helper) to get used to the number of empty beds and space, to buy and prepare less food, the quietness etc.

For the cats, like us, they too have to undergo the change. Initially they were quiet and less active, but with each other's company (human and cat), they seem to be adjusting well. I guess, as long as they are being well taken care of, to them life continues. They seem to have fun, sleeping in different places at different time - they know where to go to as they desire - to be pampered, time for solitude, time to eat and play etc. 

On the contrary, 2022 will be a whole new chapter for me and the kids. What we have learnt and those precious memories will never fade, but will continue to ignite our quest for what the Lord has laid out for us in faith, hope and joy! 

I would like to take this opportunity, to thank all of you for your blessings and encouragement during those difficult moment. They are all warmly treasured!

I would find no better way to end this year's blog, by paying a tribute to my beloved daughter, Goldie -- I miss you dearly -- your never ageing appearance, charisma, understanding and thoughtfulness, warmth and above all your love to the whole family!    THANK YOU, DEAR !

Documentary of Goldie's time with us (7/2004-11/2021)

Wishing all our friends Bountiful blessings in 2022!


  1. 永遠都記得自己寵愛過佢,他的貓生得到滿滿的愛,佢永遠活在妳心裡面

    1. Yes, precious memories remain forever.

      17 years is not a short time. Goldie is fun to have in the sense she can let you try a lot of things on her. So she has a lot of clothes and accessories. With the improvement in technology, Goldie has a lot more photos and videos than Kitty. So just only selected some and complete the chapter or memory chain with this video.

  2. 經歷過生離死別+禍福得失+起落跌宕

    1. Yes, life is really multi-facet and really make one tougher to move on. Thank u for the words of wisdom. Knowing it and putting it to work takes time, determination and efforts.

      By completing this video, it helps me put the chapter to an end. Just in time to face the new life chapter in 2022.
