January 29, 2022

Felix had his "Hospital-staycation"

Felix vomited once on 20th January and twice on 21st January during early morning hours. However, he showed his tell tale signs of being not well - donkey ride on my back and slept on my pillow. Luckily we were able to squeeze him in to visit family vet. A blood test showed his ALT shot up to 2154 (upper normal is 130). So no choice, but to stay in hospital for treatment.

During his 5 days in hospital, he did not urinate by himself. Each day during examination, the vet would massage his bladder and liters of urine came pouring out. They suspect its his psychological reaction to hospitalization. On second thought, I think he did't like the paper towel being laid in the litter bin.

Different from previous sickness, this time, only the liver reading was abnormal. So vet suggested its local infection. Suspected causes include: (1) reduction of dosage of Marbofloxacin? (2) eating the wrong food (renal wet food)? (3) changed the cat litter to Catsan (too dusty) or Ever Clean (has carbon for which he might be allergic to)? 

The initial recovery seemed to be slower than expected. I suspect its because they use oral medication rather than intravenous ones. Besides, they didn't increase the Marbofloxacin back to 1 pill daily. Interestingly, he return to eating the full normal amount 3 days after returning home, which was a lot faster than in the past.

The donkey ride

Sleeping on my pillow - only happen when he is really sick


  1. 多事之秋
    每次1/4 capsule

    1. Thanks. He is already taking it to help improve on his kidney condition.

      Vet suspect its result of their trying to reduce his anti-biotics dosage.

  2. 好慘慘豬,要住咁多日醫院,希望新一年健健康康,唔駛出入診所
