October 2, 2022

Annual Church Service

 The children attended Saint Francis Xavier Day Service today in All Saints Cathedral and received the Lord's blessings. 

Stella, who is my last child joined the family on 1st October, just in time for this service and received a lot of warm complements.

Kitty the Angel, shall turn 9 on 6h October. Miss you dear! Time flies, but precious memories remain warmly tugged in our mind. We are truly grateful to Kitty for being a perfect role model to Goldie, who passed the technique to Betty and Felix. Stella will hopefully master the skills brilliantly to create a warm, harmonious, loving and caring family for all. 


  1. Pretty Stella, welcome to Tong's family. Wishing you happy, and healthy forever. And of course, make friends with Betty, and Felix. :)
