December 23, 2022

2022, a year of transition

 2022 is a year of transition for us, hopefully for a better future.

The most difficult issue, was Felix underwent his third surgery in June due to blockage in the stent in his bile duct. This sure came as a negative surprise to us and only 1.5 years from the second surgery. The useless dangling part of the stent was removed and biopsy of his liver tissue resulted in his having to take steroid for the long term. Its sad, but this boy is a real fighter. Overall, I would say he is coping well, but for sure less energetic than before. Lately, via X-ray and ultrasound, suspect there might be some sludge accumulation in the bile duct. Hope with the right dosage of medication, this issue could be resolved. 

Stella joining us was the happier incident. Her playfulness bought laughter, liveliness and lots of scolding into our otherwise quiet home. Her highest value add was to keep both Betty and Felix moving - teasing, chasing, smelling, kissing each other form part of their daily routine. Just hope their bonding could strengthen further over time.

By coincidence, Stella also gave Betty a special gift. In preparation of Stella coming, I took Betty for a long overdue 3-in-1 injection. From the blood test, found out that she is having early stage renal failure. So promptly, we modify her diet. Surprisingly, she is very co-operative in having acupuncture and taking Chinese medicine. Just hope these efforts would pay off.  

As for myself, I entered into the final phase of my life. Now with more leisure time, its mostly spent on the cats, though I hope to assume volunteer work in the coming year. It truly is a very great regret that my parents are no longer around when I can be more accessible! Hope I can continue to adhere to good self discipline when comes to monetary matters and way of living. 

Finally wishing all our friends 

A short video by the 3 kids for a laugh to end the year!


  1. 一屋聖誕靚仔靚女,希冀以後人貓都健康快樂

  2. Felix 症狀同去世的瞄瞄一樣

    1. Unfortunately, there's no cure! Since Dr T took after the City U specialist return to US, Dr T is now more careful and giving the case more thoughts. I hope this could mean better quality life for Felix
