February 7, 2023


1) Retirement of the Rocking Zebra

Stella is growing up fast. She is heavier and bigger, weighing 3.4kg at the age of 7.5 months old. She has also grown mentally and is now more risk averse. Accordingly, her interest towards the Rocking Zebra is diminishing. With Stella being the last member of this family, the Rocking Zebra will retire.

Thank you Rocking Zebra for being part of our family for the past 10 years! 

2) Tuxedo

I bought this M size 3-piece suit from a sale in 2013. So far only Goldie managed to wear it. Lately, we let Stella try, but is already a bit tight. Anyway, she just bear with us and took a few photos. 

Both kids look very different in the tuxedo - Goldie, the mature executive and Stella the yuppy. 

Goldie, 8.5 years old

Stella , 7.5 months old

From now on, the tuxedo will go into safe keeping as part of our precious memories. 

3) We went to the latest Pet Accessories Show (2-5 February 2023). I don't find this year's event exciting, but we bought some wet wipes and can food for the children. Just a few catnip toys and an electronic toy! We tried our best to get some samples, which will be donated to volunteers to help feed other less fortunate children.

The smart toy


  1. Stella再大隻啲就穿唔過張Rocking Zebra,會攝住咗,哈哈

  2. 我無時間去寵展


    1. I'm now retired, so have more time.

      Yes, everything has a beginning and an end. Its moving towards the end which is hard and challenging.

      You take care, my friend
