October 4, 2023

Betty - IBD and pancreatitis


Time flies, Kitty will be a 10-year-old angel on 6th October. Still occasionally thinks of you, as you are our special baby – you are R & J’s wedding present from Tony and you join us when you are 5 years old. You have been a great elder sister to Goldie, moulding her into a wonderful role model which continues till now. Kitty dear, miss you and love you forever! Just continue to enjoy your life!


This is to document Betty’s IBD footprint

18th July : Betty had soft poo. I stopped all snacks and gave her steam chicken. The situation seemed to initially improved for a few days and she started to vomit in the morning and with fur. In the past, she would have recovered by day 5. But this time, the progress seemed unstable.

24th July: First vet visit. Dr V examined her, did blood test and urine test. Gave her Pro-Kolin thinking its just minor gastro issue as she didn’t show any sign of discomfort during examination. Looks a bit tired. The blood test did show relatively low NEU and that the pancreas is abnormal. Her situation seemed to improved for a few days, and then daily vomiting and soft poo resumed.

28th July: Ultrasound by Dr TT found that the pancreas looks normal in size, but the right side appeared darker than normal (ie infection). The intestine looks normal. She was given Metronidazole and started to take RC gastro diet.  After taking the medication, her situation improved till a few days before the revisit on 17/8 she vomited during early morning hours.

17th August: Her weight dropped from 4.02kg to 3.83kg. Blood test readings all return to normal. Via ultrasound, Dr TT found that her situation has actually worsened, especially in the small intestine area. Selected areas of her intestine had thickened to 0.45cm (normal 0.3cm), and the very thin black lining in between has thickened considerably, making it look like a “hamburger”. The conclusion was (1) Metronidazole doesn’t work. Need to try another anti-biotics. (2) She has either IBD or Lymphoma. If want to know what is it, need to do open up surgery and take a part of the intestine for lab test. Medical treatment is the same for both sickness. (3) Can start treatment with antibiotics, if doesn’t work, try steroid. If still doesn’t work try Chemo drugs. However, if started with antibiotics, need to bear in mind that culture test would be affected. If go for steroid, then wont go for surgery.

Since the lowest risk option is the medical route but it might take longer due to trial and error along the way, Dr TT changed the medication to Tylosin and Betty has to be straightly on I/D diet. So the treatment started on 17/8.

31st August: Blood test readings and GI panel should pancreas has return to normal and her body weight improved marginally to 3.87kg. Betty is a very good kid. She took her medicine on time and tolerate with the sole I/D meals.

30th September: ultrasound by Dr TT showed that the black intestinal lining has reduced in size and the intestine looks more normal. Parts of the small intestine has shrunk as well. Vet’s conclusion is that she got IBD and not lymphoma. Tylosin was reduced from 3x daily to 2x daily and revisit in a month. However, must still adhere with the straight I/D diet. Her body weight further improved to 4.14kg. During this period, her poo looks normal and in good shape. Her lifestyle has gradually return to normal.

To be updated.......

Betty is a very understanding child and a tough fighter. Keep on fighting and Wish you Speedy Full Recovery!

 Oh! Those bitter medicine

Feeling better lately!



  1. Replies
    1. Unfortunately, these things are unavoidable as we age.

  2. 好彩唔係瘤,Betty食藥咁叻,佢一定好快好番

    1. Yes, at least its not cancer. Vet said even, if its cancer, its a weak form, so not too worrying?!

      The worrying thing is the cause unknown, making prevention of recurrence difficult. This problem can only be controlled and not cured. Just pray that she can lead a normal life and can return to eating her low phosphorus diet.
