June 16, 2024

Felix was sick, but is recovering well

 On 7th June, Felix had his first round of breakfast at 5am normally. However, by the time of his second round breakfast at 9.30am, he appears less keen and ate only 3 pieces of dry food (normally, he ate 10). By noon time, he didn't go to the kitchen to ask for food. When given to him, he only licked twice. His ears were very hot.

Immediately, we called our family vet. Dr TN was on sick leave, but Dr TT kindly agreed to see him at 2pm. Dr TT found his breathing rate to be fast at 120/min, his body temperature was marginal at 39.3 degrees. A full blood test and ultrasound were done. 

The blood test suggested that his white blood cell readings were high and so were the liver readings. The pancreas also ABnormal. Dr TT did a fine needle on the liver for lab and culture. In the meantime, I decided to let him stay in hospital, with hope to precent a major flare up.

On 8th June, update from the nurse was that his temperature was back to normal at 38 degrees and that he ate by himself. But he hadn't urinate. So I decided to have him discharged as I believe we can take care of him at home.

Since returning home, apart from being a bit tense, he ate well, slowly regained his sleep and even played with Stella at times.

Felix revisited Dr TN today (16/6) and is making good progress in his recovery. Physical examination revealed no discomfort and his blood test readings are within the normal range, though some are still higher than his "usual self". 

We would like to thank Dr TN, Dr TT and Dr VM for their care, medical advise and support, without which I would not be in such relaxed mode to document this event. 

As an aside, a funny video on Felix taken earlier on....


  1. Felix突然發燒,仲要留醫,真係陰公豬

    1. Yes, its worrying, but could likely recur in the future. Its because he has a stent in his bile duct to keep it open. As the stent is a foreign body, it is the home for bacteria.

  2. 最緊要無事平安

    1. Yes, lucky the staff there knows his situation well and react flexibly and fast

  3. Felix: wishing you speedy recovery 😘😘😘
