October 10, 2013

Letter to Our Beloved Kitty

Dearest Kitty,

How are you? Do you feel better now? Have you started to adjust to the new way of life? No more pain in your mouth and throat? Hope your hind legs have also regained strength to enable you to run around the green pasture and make new friends.
Kitty, I would love to use this opportunity to thank you for the over 18 years of time with the Txxx family. Knowing you since you have decided to join us by entering into the carrier of R and J as their wedding present, seeing you grow up with SS and HH and finally coming to our side to join us when we wanted a cat.
During our past 13 years together, your love and bonding towards the family have grown and flourished. You not only is a smart loving girl, you also is a very considerate helper, a nurse as well. The way you care about grandma during her stroke, is still flashing in my memory. You also is a role model to younger sister Goldie, who loves and respects you.
Between you and me, our bonding could not be much closer. You are my warm water bottle during those cold winter nights. You are my alarm at times. But above all, you are part of me.
During your struggles with those breast tumor operations, kidney degeneration, deteriorating hind legs and the late mouth ulcers, you demonstrated to us your strong will to survive and the faith you have in us and the vets. Though those days are painful, but it has united the family to new heights. Through consulting others, we have gained a lot of knowledge for which we shall share out to help others.
Kitty, my dear, please forgive me for making the decision to let you go today. I made that decision because a tumor was found underneath your tongue and it had grown fast, leaving you with limited life expectancy of at most a few months, and that you will no longer be able to eat on your own and enjoy food. Frankly speaking, since your quality of life would likely worsen rapidly rather than improve in the remaining time, I do not want you to suffer further. We all in the family recognized that you had done a brilliant job on earth, and that your mission had been completed with flying colors, so though unwilling, we are prepared to let you rest peacefully. You left us at around 5.30pm on Sunday, 6th October, 2013 at the age of 18 years and 9 months.
We will surely remember you in our hearts and mind. Your physical absence did make our hearts tank and ache, but we believe that with the help of the Lord and all the dear friends, we will be able to stand up and continue life anew. We believe this is what you want us to do as well.
Once again, I thank you for being my child, you have bought and taught me a lot. You will remain the special child in the special place in our hearts. So good-bye, my dear daughter. Do not be afraid. Do not worry about us. Go forward in peace and joy. The Lord will continue to guide, guard and protect both you and us, as He had done in the past.
P.S. Goldie had been looking for you after dinner. She sure had sensed your absence. I would like to thank you for your generosity in accepting her into the family and living in harmony with her despite the close to 10 years of age gap between both of you. Please continue to guide, guard and protect her as you always did.
I remain, your loving mother

6th October 2013, 11.25pm

Thanks Fion for preparing this special photo of Kitty for us.

Please feel free to add your message/comment in this blog, rather than in Facebook as we would like to keep them for our permanent record.


  1. 你和kitty 都好勇敢,一起經歷了很多,相愛了很長時間。很明白你現在的傷痛,因為你知道我也曾經經歷過。一切都會過去的,到時你會知道,你們的靈魂從來沒有分開過! Take good care! BY ICY

    1. 唔知你有無睇過我最近寫果篇,希望給你一點安慰

    2. Thanks Icy. I will look into your piece for some comfort. All I hope is that Kitty can find peace and comfort. For our family, we know time will heal the wound. Dont worry

  2. 淚流下了……

    Kitty 吉媽永遠懷念您! 沒有痛苦的生活願你依然快樂……

    1. Thanks 吉媽. What I am experiencing could be less painful that what u had experienced. Your little angels left at such tender age and at such short intervals.
      Comparatively speaking, I should be grateful, as we have such a long time together, though the last month is really very difficult and worrying. Kitty, as usual is the tough fighter. Even the vet said she has a very strong will and had over-achieved.
      Thank u for the comfort. The wound is fresh, but trust that it will heal over time. Regards

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Billbill. Kitty though had a rough final month, she left us with her vet, her favorite vetinerary assistant and our family members by her side.
      At her funeral service, she appeared sleeping peacefully, which gave us great comfort. Regards

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Oh, my tears can't stop!!
    Kitty...rest in peace! Be a happy angel in the rainbow bridge...

    1. Sorry DaDa mum for making you cry. Kitty though had a rough final month, she left us with her vet, her favorite vetinerary assistant and our family members by her side.
      At her funeral service, she appeared sleeping peacefully, which gave us great comfort. Regards

  6. 相信Kitty在彩虹橋上會認識更多小朋友,做她的快樂小天使;Kitty 媽,不要太傷心,Kitty一定記得跟您一起時的快樂日子,現在只係換個新環境生活罷;不單只有小包包,小豆豆, 還有我家的妹妹和兔兔多多,,,
    Kitty, Lu媽永遠懷念妳!

    1. Thanks Lu mum. Sure, hope Kitty will make a lot of friends in Rainbow Bridge and quickly adjust to life there and dont worry about us on earth.
      What's left is just memories, be they sweet or sour, they are equally precious.
      Dont worry, time will heal the wound. Regards

  7. Kitty, May you RIP. thanks for letting me talk to you a few times and you have been brave to deal with your sickness and always being a good gal to your family . I am sure you will have a new happy life up in the rainbow bridge

    1. Jasnow, its our honor to have you communicating with our kids. Both enjoyed talking to you and from which we understand each other more and make life more enjoyable as well.Thanks for your kind wishes to Kitty, I'm sure she'll get your advise.
      Once again, really appreciates all the help you gave us. Best Regards

  8. 忍不住流淚, 你和Kitty都很勇敢, 他日定會在天國再見!

    1. Sorry Ding Dong. I had spoilt your day. Yes we will both be brave and try to overcome this challenge.
      Unfortunately, this time, in her physical absence, I will not be able to hold Kitty's hands or pat her head, or stroke her back or little chin to encourage her. I can only hope that she can sense my message and press on in peace and joy.
      I will have to learn to put my faith in the Lord to continue to take care of her for me, as I will continue to include her in my daily prayers.Best Regards

  9. 是一種解脫

    1. Thanks 1128 for your blessings and encouragement.
      Kitty is really a veryspecial, loving, understanding, and considerate child. We are truly grateful for this.
      May she find peace and joy in her new life, relieved of all the pain and sufferings. Best Regards

  10. 我已經whatsapp叫細佬+瞄瞄
    一齊食, 一齊瞓, 一齊玩
    mt, 放心吧

    1. Thanks 1128.... u made me cried and u made me laughed.. what brand of smartphone are they using? haha
      Thanks for your good intentions.... Hope time can heal the wound. Best Regards

    2. 天國牌 最新S5
      可到 IT登記處
      放心啦 MT

    3. My friend, you really help lighten my day. Really appreciates your goodwill and care. Best Regards

  11. RIP Kitty ! 請放心, Mimi 會照顧 Kitty的.
    你們都要保重 !

    1. Thanks Mimim Ball mum. Thank you Mimi for taking care of Kitty. Hope both of you can be good friends too. Best Regards

  12. Kitty RIP, the memory of Kitty will long live in this world but in another form. May Mandy remember all the Good bits and happy bits about Kitty.
    All the best

    1. Thanks. Yes, only memories will remain. be they sweet, bitter, or sour, they are all precious and will have a special place in our hearts. Best Regards

  13. Kitty,
    We believe you will be the T family's guardian angel as always. RIP.

    1. Thanks Stan. We trust Kitty will continue to be our family member, protecting, guiding and guarding us in another way which we are not used to. Best Regards

  14. Kitty, RIP!
    What a pity, I have not met you but you and your mama are always in my mind. Sweet Girl, Goodbye xxx!

    1. Thanks Rita. Really appreciates and value your care and love towards Kitty. You have helped us a lot especially during those difficult and challenging times. Best Regards

  15. Sure time will heal the wound.
    Thank you so much for the advices and sharing on how to take care of kidney failure kids.

  16. Hello Calbee mum, being able to share my limited knowlege and experience with others is our honor and privilege. I think its also what Kitty wants to do as well.
    During Kitty's life, as u are aware, there are a lot of ups and downs - sickness and operations, and I too also benefitted from other cat parents, who generously share their knowledge and experiences with me, for without which, I dont think we would make it to such a long life journey and in decent health.
    Do keep in touch and Best Regards

  17. 生命的無奈,將來大家都會相遇在彩虹橋頭.....阿定跟大黃都在那裏睇金魚呢﹗

  18. Noted and thank you. Thank you for the hopefulness. Best Regards

  19. 忍不住流淚,和BB婆婆離開的過程差不多,太悲傷,一路留言,一路流淚,因為作出這個決定是最悲痛的,但也是對牠們最好的,解決,妹妹曾經找傳心師傳心,知道BB婆婆意願是離開,希望妹妹不要為牠傷心,看了傳心師一番說話,令人更傷心,Take care

  20. Sorry to have made you cry. As some of my friends who had similar experiences forewarned me to be prepared, and that when the time comes, u will know what to do. I think its the Lord guiding me, as it had been my prayer that she can go in a peaceful way when the time comes.
    I dont know what Kitty wants, but I will ask my friend to explain it to her when she settles down a bit later.
    Yes to us its a tragic loss, but that pain is small when compared with the pain of keeping her alife but with a low quality of life.
    After the cremation service, we do feel relieved and slowly start life afresh.
    Take care. Best Regards

  21. 我明白你嘅心情,因為自己都曾有三隻貓離開我,傷心就一定會,但別太耐呀!
    kitty 唔想見到你唔開心架,你要加油呀!

  22. Thank u for your advise 叻叻 mum. We are trying our best to adjust to the new way of life. Yes, agree with u that Kitty wants us to continue life as before. Best Regards

  23. i kept on crying when i was reading this letter. i feel the sorrow an love you have. kitty should be happy to have u.

  24. Sorry to have made u cried, Florence. Our love towards Kitty is similar to love all parents would give to their loved ones.
    Yes, via Animal Communication after her death, Kitty is very happy with her time with us. Actually if it were not because of the tumor, she still wanted to be with us longer, saying there were still things she wanted to do with us and food to eat!!!
    Kitty also told us that its love that kept her going despite her thoughts of giving up at some grilling times ( I think the latest one would likely be in late 2012 when she had her 4th breast tumor operation)
    Overall, we are very fortunate to have each other. Above all to have the support of blogger friends like you as well. Best Regards
