October 6, 2014

A Special Moment ........

October 6th, 5.30pm, mean't a lot to our family, for precisely at this moment last year, Kitty, my dear, you had transformed from a cat on earth to an angel in heaven...But in our minds, you remain close and dear to us now as you did in the past.

Life at home had changed drastically over the past year, but we had not questioned our decision to let you rest in peace. Although initially there were frequent moments when helpers and mummy tried to carry on life with watery eyes and Ruldpoh nose, grannies were very silent in deep thoughts.... it was after Auntie Kong talked and explained to you of our decision and your understanding/acceptance, that the dust slowly started to settle. The cremation ceremony on 10th October took us a step closer to reality and was sure a relief to see you sleeping so beautifully, naturally and deeply.....

During the adjustment period, Goldie was depressed and lonely, crying frequently at night, for which we were told that she was talking to you during your visits back home. Yes, the furnitures and fittings had changed a bit, you could no longer find your cosy bed  or your toys, for we have donated them out, partly to share your love with others and partly because all of us (including you Kitty) need to face reality and start a new life.  It was precisely for this reason, that I did not ask Auntie Kong to do any follow up communications with you. Its not that we don't care about you, but its just that we really want you to concentrate on your new life in rainbow bridge and don't let the past be a hindrance.

Kitty, I'm sure you would understand and agree with us that having a new cat at home would be the appropriate decision for all. During the waiting period from 10/13-2/14, we came across a number of lovely kittens. In late February this year, the family (including Goldie) finally chose to take on Betty, the Ragdoll kitten. Don't know whether it was a coincidence or not, both you and Betty are January babies. Moreover, Betty does have some resemblance with you -- brillant, elegant (sitting down with her hands crossed), quick learner and  lovely eyes....

Betty joined us on Good Friday (18/4) and she is now 9 months old. Since then, life slowly return to this house - more talkative, laughter, commands, complaints etc. No doubt, initially, there were tons of teething problems between Goldie and Betty, partly due to their age gap (9.5 years) and  breed characterisitcs, but their friendship and love seemed to slowly perform magic. Moreover, your acceptance of Goldie (also a 9.5 years age differential), also gave us confidence.

Although Goldie still prefers to be called Goldie 妹妹 as she thinks the title of 姊姊belongs to Kitty and she is unsure whether she can be a good leader. I must admit Goldie assumes her role as elder sister very proficiently.  She had great tolerance for this playful kitten, seldom fights back (at most pisses her), often let Betty takes the limelight.  One of the miraculous thing which Goldie taught Betty is to sit infront of the gate and don't go out. Nowadays, I prefer to call her Goldie 妹妹姊姊. Its a bit long winded, but I'm sure you will agree with me that this is a very special name for a very special girl...

As Goldie herself told Aunite Kong, "Kitty had taught me a lot and I have learn't a lot from her". Kitty, we are blessed to have you and are truly grateful for all your efforts in being part of our family and a pefect role model to Goldie, for without which, we are certain that our family would not be as harmonious and loving as it is today!

Just take good care of yourself, Kitty my dear. Exercise, eat and sleep well. Make lots of friends and remember to help those new comers to adjust to their new life in the wonderful land of peace, joy, love and hope! Enjoy life in rainbow bridge and you are always welcome to visit us whenver u feel like it.

I'm honored to remain your loving mother


P.S. I have a little secret for you, Kitty. Ever since you left us, I went to work each day listening to music. In there is the song " I Carry You In My Heart" for which I listened to 3 times each week. It gave me the feeling of your pressence within me, showering me with peace and determination to greet the day's challenges. Thank you, my dear for continuing to be part of me.



  1. Time flies. Can't believe that Kitty had already left for one year.Miss her !

    1. Yes, its just like some recent events. Still misses her (especially her eyes) and sometimes I called Goldie Kitty bby mistake ... haha...

  2. Miss you Kitty, how are you in rainbow bridge? I'm sure must be a happy angel, right?

    1. I too have the same believe as u do DaDa mum..... In the future when we have the chance to do AC with Goldie/Betty, will ask them. If they are in touch with Kitty, we'll be able to have an update....

  3. Replies
    1. Yes, its natural. Though we are not related by flesh or blood, our bonding is the key.... for once my daughter, forever my daughter.... I bet u too would feel the same for all your boys and girl, Ruby.
