October 6, 2016

6th October, anything special?

6th October is just an ordinary day for many, but for us, this is a very special day, especially at 5.30pm --- a moment with mixed feelings for which we will never forget.

Three years ago this day, it was the last time we were able to feel Kitty's warmth and loveliness. Though we are physically apart, the memories are still very lively and clear. Tears might no longer be shed, but the heartache remains, especially during moments when we read of parents who lost their child.

Despite the change in our livelihood, Kitty's spirit can still find a space in our hearts, and it blends in well with the 3 other children we have. We strongly believe that each kid is a gift from God, with their own uniqueness, charm and is irreplaceable. Though their mission and time with us could vary, we are determined to stand firmly behind them to ensure that they can achieve their goals with flying colors.

Kitty, our dear, our love for you never fades!


Lately, Goldie, Betty and Felix went to church to celebrate Saint Francis Xavier's Day....


  1. 雖然我不是教徒, 亦無宗教信仰, 但我知你地好朆貓咪架~~
    Wishing them all the best~~

    1. Thks Dada mum. U don't need to have any religious belief to take them there

  2. (錫)貓咪至啱, 打錯字. sorry sorry!

    1. Its alright. Don't worry.... sometimes its difficult to control what comes out from the keyboard

  3. 自己的毛孩雖然已作小天使都會永存心中,永遠懷念! 願天下毛孩都能幸福!

    1. Totally agree Ding Dong mum. Each year, I dedicate the October issue to Kitty, thanking her for what she had given us and what she had taught Goldie, molding her into a good sister amongst the gang... haha

  4. Kitty生前的點點滴滴,係永遠唔會忘記,佢永遠係妳心裡面

    1. Totally agree, Ruby..... Don't want to experience this any more, but its unavoidable... Anyway, really lucky to have her and can only wish her well from now on.
