October 5, 2016

Someone Special?

After serious thoughts, we have decided to take on an additional cat, mainly as playmate for Betty and hopefully would be a relief for Goldie. He is called Felix, a chocolate color British Shorthair. He joined us on 30th July when he was 4 months old.
The first few days of his arrival were nightmare to us. Initially,  we deeply regretted taking Felix, as Betty  was extremely depressed. She hid herself, whimpering at all times and was pretty defensive.  Our hearts tanked. We didn't realise she was so deeply hurt. On the other hand, Goldie appeared very relaxed, and accepted the baby brother very quickly.
After careful thoughts, we attributed Betty's behavior to her tender age. Being only 2.5 years old, its natural that her confidence in us is not firm/high as that of Goldie's. We reckoned she is worried that Felix might take up a large part of our time and attention. So, we decided to let her experience for herself that life is as normal, despite having one more cat around. We talked to all 3 children, telling them to love and respect each other, and specifically to Felix that he has to listen to advise from both sisters.
With the help of Feliway, the above seems to work, as Betty started to make steady daily progress by the latter part of the first week. Now, with Felix having joined us for a month, not only were Betty and Felix playing dash and wrestling together, Betty sometimes would lick Felix as well.
We are thankful to the Lord for this arrangement, and firmly believe that Goldie is highly instrumental in making the transition a success.

As a follow up on our latest charitable drive - the 19kg of Blackhawk dry cat food was being donated to 癌症Kitty 貓狗屋.


  1. 頭一條片, BETTY真係好嬲呀, FEE到爆, 好彩後尾D片, 佢同FELIX又好FRIEND咁...GOLIDIE反而就冇乜野咁~~
    好彩現在三個都能適應下來, 真替你高興呀~~

    1. Thks.

      Yes, Betty was the problem girl initially, but after talking to her and reassuring her that we would love her no less, and asking Goldie to talk to her, her attitude gradually changed.

      Nowadays, they do play together.

      At the outset, Goldie did made it clear that because she is OLD, she wont be teaching/guiding Felix. She will leave it with Betty to do the mentoring.

      As we see it, this is largely the case, as Betty is often nearby Felix, while Goldie might be resting somewhere. Once in a while Goldie still takes interest in their fun.....

      Hope their relationship will continue to improve.

  2. 恭喜你添丁呀!
    加貓真是我們人類的一相情願,以為加一個伴咁簡單,我就是一個好例子,Bill + Miu & Miu + Don,兩次都不是很好,貓的思想同人類是大不同,他們祗是互相容忍而已,而容忍的情度,也是每隻貓不同,這是我在愛協一個貓行為課程讀到的。

    1. Thks.

      Yes, all we can do is to guide them and be fair, so that they feel their status is secure.

      Difficult to expect them to be buddies, just be friends will be good enough. As long as they don't hurt each other, don't we-we and poo-poo anywhere, I'm already very happy..... haha

  3. 恭喜加貓,多隻貓又多多fun

    1. Thks.... It had been a hard and long thought our decision... Likely this could be our last cat as well....

      Also congrats to you on adopting Kee Kee ... haha
