May 18, 2021

New "Fur-style"

We have no intention of shaving their fur in preparation of the coming hot summer. But had to do so as a last ditch effort to end their part time job of being ringworm carrier. 

The whole incident started in September 2020, when Felix had been in and out of hospital for a considerable period of time. He first got ringworm on the right foot. After it healed, got it in his left shoulder. Both spots had healed, but when combing his body for culture, it turned out positive pretty quickly for a few times.

Betty being a medium fur cat, was also found to be a carrier.

After a number of medicated bath, there were no improvement in the culture results. So we waited till early May when the weather starts to get hot to have both of them shaved. Hope that after a few more medicated baths, both would be ringworm free!

Really lucky that Goldie is ringworm free. I suspect its because she wears clothes. 


  1. 醫生有無叫用碘酒抹患處?

    1. Yes when Felix had open wound.

      Now no need la, as there is no wound. Only the fur too thick which makes deep cleaning virtually impossible.

  2. 希望快啲好番,唔駛再剃毛,我覺得貓地剃咗毛唔靚

    1. Yes, Im betting my luck that they should be cleared after 2 medicated bath post shaving.... Fingers crossed
