June 6, 2021


Felix had a day staycation in CityU VMC on 28-29/6/21. After vomiting on Thursday, initially he appeared a bit sick, but slowly return to normal in the evening. On Friday (28/6), during a revisit, found his ALT to shot up to 333 - though the normal upper bound was 150, this was really nothing when compared with his previous records of 5,000-8,000. But for precautionary reasons, the vet suggested to have him under observation for a day. We agreed to it, because if we took him home and found him unwell, the situation could be pretty messy, for his vet's last day of service was that Saturday. This would also give the vet more time to do whatever checking she thinks necessary.

Ultrasound found the stent nicely in place. The biliary duct going up to the stent is a bit swollen at 0.6cm. Possibility that there could be some sludge. Hope antibiotics and Ursosan would work. 

Thank you Dr Vera for all the love and care towards Felix since November 2019. Felix had been through a lot of ups and downs, and we are truly grateful that you are always nearby to guide us through our thoughts to find the best solution for Felix. As we always joke that may be one day, Felix will board the plane to visit you in the US!

As for Goldie, we have changed to another Oncologist. She is now taking oral chemo medication to minimize adverse impact on her bone marrow. So far, she seems to be adjusting well, though her right nose condition has worsen a bit - watery at times.

Anyway, her appetite is still good. Nosy and playful at times..... Thanks be to God!



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for caring Charcoal mum. Felix is just having problem with his liver and bile. Its like that since he's 2 years 9 months old.

      The kid with tumor is Goldie.

  2. 咁突然?點解要食化療藥?

    1. We discovered that Goldie has nasal carcinoma in late 2/21. She undergone 3 chemo injection, but with adverse side effect on her kidney and white blood cells.

      Lately, a visit to family vet referred us to another Oncologist, with hope to do electrochemo. But unfortunately her nose is too small, so this option is not available. Instead, the vet suggest she try oral chemo drugs to reduce adverse effect on her and hopefully be able to suppress the tumor.

      Wont really know the effect till end July as it takes 4-6 weeks to see the effect.

      Of course, I hope it will work, but anyway, we are already 3 months from discovery, and I would say we have gained 3 months already. Vet said the cancer is aggressive and refused to predict on life expectancy.

      Now my thinking is each day is a gift from God, as long as she's happy, relatively comfortable, we will treasure it. If any signs to the contrary, will have to let go.

      Take care. God bless you all

  3. 因為貓狗體積細 就算佢做化療電療都會影響到其他器官 因為其他器官太近 如果佢食口服化療藥一樣會影響到其他主要器官 總之如果佢唔係太辛苦開開心心過日子就好唔好諗咁多

    1. Understood. Noted with thanks 1128!

      Take care. God bless u all.
